Notes: The above path assumes a default installation (for Windows).
To add your own HTML editor to ImageReady's "Jump to..." menu, create a shortcut to the desired application within the "Jump To HTML Editor" folder.
To include your preferred browser(s) in ImageReady's "Preview in..." menu, create a shortcut within the "Preview In" folder.
To assign the default graphics application for ImageReady's “Jump To” button [Ctrl+Shift+M], create a shortcut in the "Jump To Graphics Editor" folder. Place brackets “[ ]” around the name of the application - the brackets will not be displayed.
To assign the default graphics application for Photoshop's “Jump To” button [Ctrl+Shift+M], create a shortcut in the "Jump To Graphics Editor" folder. Place braces “{ }” around the name of the application - the braces will not be displayed.
1. To reapply the last filter, use Filter » Last Filter [Ctrl+F]. To reapply a filter with new settings, add the Alt key (Ctrl+Alt+F or Alt + Filter » Last Filter).
Tip: Fade the effects (and change the blending mode) of the last filter (or adjustment), by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F (Filter » Fade Filter…).
2. If you have recently copied an image to the Clipboard, Photoshop will automatically insert the dimensions of the Clipboard image when you create a New Document [Ctrl+N] (File » New...). To bypass this feature and recall the last settings, hold down the Alt key [Ctrl+Alt+N] (Alt + File » New...).
Tip: To insert the dimensions of any open document into the New Document window [Ctrl+N] (File » New...), choose its name from the bottom of the Window menu.
3. Use Ctrl+Alt+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Z to step backward and forward though the history states (or use the History palette menu to access the step commands); use these keys in conjunction with Undo [Ctrl+Z] (Edit » Undo) to cycle between a specific history state and the current state.
4. Use Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+Backspace to Fill (Edit » Fill...) with the foreground and background colors, respectively; also, use Shift+Backspace to open the Fill dialog box. Very useful!
Tip: Use Alt+Shift+Backspace and Ctrl+Shift+Backspace to fill only existing pixels (Preserve Transparency) with the foreground and background colors, respectively.
5. Perform a Free Transform [Ctrl+T] (Edit » Free Transform) on a duplicate (of the current selection) by holding down the Alt key (Ctrl+Alt+T or Alt + Edit » Free Transform).
Tip: Repeat the last Transformation by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T (Edit » Transform » Again). Repeat the last Transformation on a duplicate by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T (Alt + Edit » Transform » Again).
6. To stop the Crop tool [C] from snapping to the image borders, hold down the Ctrl key while you are dragging the crop handles.
7. To straighten a crooked image, use the Measure tool [U] to draw a line along what should be a horizontal or vertical line (the edge of the image, a doorframe, across the eyes of a person in a portrait, etc.), and then choose Image » Rotate Canvas » Arbitrary...; the correct Angle and Direction will appear, just hit OK.
Note: You can also use the Crop tool [C] to rotate and crop an image in one step. Select the Crop tool [C] and draw a rectangular region. Use the crop handle to scale the marquee, and drag outside the marquee to rotate it; hit Enter to crop the image.
Tip: The angle of the Measure tool [U] is also entered automatically into the Transform Numeric dialog box (Edit » Transform » Numeric).
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